8 bizarre questions that open up your mind. Is your imagination rich enough?

8 bizarre questions that open up your mind. Is your imagination rich enough?

Einstein once said, "Don't stop thinking is the most important thing. Curiosity exists for its own reasons." Therefore, it is not surprising that many people come up with weird questions. Let us take a look at some very interesting questions, and see if you have the imagination to think of the answers!

1. What will happen if humans are twice as smart as they are now?

1) We can master a new language within a few weeks, which means we can try more things in our life. High IQ also allows us to choose more careers and hobbies.

2) It is possible that people can live longer. According to the results of a survey, if a person's IQ exceeds 115, he has a 21% higher probability of living to 76 years old than a person with an IQ of only 100.

2. If all oxygen atoms on the earth disappear within 5 seconds, what will happen?

1) Everyone who is directly exposed to sunlight will be burned immediately. The oxygen in the air can help us resist ultraviolet radiation.

2) Everyone's inner ear will be squeezed. If the oxygen on the earth suddenly disappears, then the atmospheric pressure will suddenly drop by 21%, so it is no wonder that the eardrum is crushed.

3) All buildings with concrete will become dust. Oxygen atoms are a very important binder in concrete buildings. Without oxygen, they will immediately lose their rigidity.

4) The ocean will evaporate. 1/3 of water is oxygen atoms, without oxygen atoms, water will become hydrogen and volatilize directly into the atmosphere.

3. In an airplane in flight, what happens if you open the door?

If it happened during a real voyage, then you definitely don't want to experience it. All passengers sitting near the exit will be ejected into the air. The temperature in the cabin of the aircraft will drop rapidly, and the aircraft will even begin to tear apart. If you want to survive, you only have 15 to 20 seconds to put on an oxygen mask. Even if you successfully put on the oxygen mask, the probability of your survival is so small that it is almost negligible.

do not worry! This situation can only happen in theory. There is no possibility for you to open the hatch unless you are Superman. why? Atmospheric pressure will prevent you from doing such things. At the altitude where the aircraft is cruising, the atmospheric pressure that the aircraft receives is about 0.7 to 0.8 atmospheres, which will require a lot of effort.

4. What will happen if the moon suddenly disappears?

1) The night sky will be very dark. The night becomes bright because the moon reflects the sunlight.

2) A lot of animals are fascinated. For example, owls and lions rely on night and moonlight to effectively prey.

3) Without the moon, the tide will slow down. Because the moon is very close to us, its gravitational force has a great influence on our planet, and the tide speed will only be about 40% of the current.

4) Without the gravity of the moon, the inner core of the earth will shift slightly, which will lead to many catastrophic natural phenomena, such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

5. What will happen if all the insects on the earth disappear?

It is hard to believe that without these seemingly insignificant insects, the world will not function properly:

1) About 80% of the plants on the earth are flowering. This means that they need insects like bees and butterflies to pollinate. Although sometimes the wind can also play some role, but these effects are simply insignificant, most of the work is still done by insects. Without "pollination", most plants on the earth will disappear.

2) Without insects, the food chain in nature will collapse, including humans of course. If insects disappear, many mammals and birds will disappear. If there is no pollination by insects, those animals that rely on fruits, leaves or living on trees will also disappear. Therefore, step by step, species on our planet will be extinct.

6. What will happen if the rotation speed of the earth doubles?

I know what you are thinking-our daily time will become 12 hours instead of 24 hours. correct answer! But at the same time many other things that are not so obvious and surprising will happen.

1) The water level near the equator will rise by about 100 meters because the centrifugal force of the earth will increase.

2) The geomorphology of the earth will undergo major changes. Most areas of Indonesia and northern North America will be razed to the ground, and Africa will be divided into two continents.

3) The hurricane will become more severe. The rotation speed of the earth will increase the speed of the hurricane.

4) The increase in the amount of water near the equator will increase the humidity in these areas and will form a permanent fog belt.

7. What happens if a person does not take a bath for a year?

This kind of thing is definitely unbearable for this person, but let us imagine what will happen:

1) If you don't take a bath for a year, the smell of this person is definitely unbearable, because sweat and bacteria will continue to accumulate on your body.

2) Failure to bathe will cause the accumulation of dead skin cells. Usually these dead skin cells will fall off through normal washing. If you don't take a bath, they will clump with the oil secreted by the body, especially in the ears, neck and other places.

3) Different types of skin will react differently. But in general, this person will experience various rashes and itching. At that time, the person's face, scalp and chest will be covered with a pink scaly rash.

4) If this person is accidentally scratched, then he needs to clean up quickly, because his probability of getting infection will increase.

8. What will happen if you only eat one kind of food?

Your body may have defects. The type of defect is related to the type of food you eat:

1) If you only eat roast chicken (or any kind of meat) without taking in any carbohydrates-the best source of energy for your body, then your body will burn your own muscle and fat.

2) If you only eat bread and other pasta, your body will suffer from various symptoms due to lack of amino acids, and your body will also lack vitamin C and cause sepsis.

3) If you only eat one type of vegetable or fruit, it will also cause various health problems, because no vegetable contains 9 essential amino acids at the same time.

At the same time, there is only one food that contains various nutrients, and that is breast milk. In theory, even adults can survive by drinking only breast milk. But the production of breast milk is a huge problem.

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