These 10 characteristics indicate that you are an antisocial personality. What are your characteristics?

These 10 characteristics indicate that you are an antisocial personality. What are your characteristics?

Have you ever thought that you might have an antisocial personality? If you have thought about it, then congratulations, you are not. People with antisocial personality are usually very narcissistic, so narcissistic that they don’t think about asking themselves this question. However, at the same time, there are many anti-social personality among us. Generally speaking, film and television works or social propaganda portray anti-social personality people as cruel criminals, but most anti-social personality people are not so extreme. Most of them just use social rules to induce or manipulate others. Come get what you want. These people have no sense of self-blame, regret, or guilt for their actions. It is very possible that you have an antisocial personality, but you have not realised it yet. Let us take a look at some of the obvious characteristics of antisocial personality:

1. You can hardly tell lies

Lying is the most important characteristic of antisocial personality. You will find it difficult to use lies to get what you want, or manipulate other people, or make things messy. At the same time, you rarely show the usual characteristics of lying, such as avoiding eye contact or looking nervous, etc. Usually, you will still lie when the hard evidence is in front of you.

2. You are a manipulator

You will let others doubt yourself, or let others attack each other to gain your own benefit. You are very good at twisting or changing facts to make things work for you. You also know how to seduce or fascinate others to accept your opinions and stand on your side.

3. You project your own flaws on other people

You refuse to believe that anything is your fault. On the contrary, in order to avoid being held accountable, you will blame others and project your own shortcomings or shortcomings onto others. In this regard, you will be quite cruel. For anyone who points out the cause of the problem, you hope to cause them psychological pain.

4. You will repeat the same mistakes

Although each of us makes mistakes, people with antisocial personality will continue to make the same mistakes and have no sense of guilt for their mistakes, and even habitually want to repeat these mistakes.

5. You are very unreliable

Because of your impulsive, self-willed and narcissistic attitude, you are very unreliable and weird. When others are useless to you, you will kick them away. Even when you put others in a difficult situation, you won’t apologize because you don’t believe you have done something wrong.

6. You squandered

You will find that you always want instant satisfaction, and you never have any sense of moral responsibility. Therefore, you will squander your own money or the money of others uncontrollably. Anti-social personality people like to splurge, so they don't hesitate to use loans, mortgages and various overdraft bank cards, and even cheat their relatives.

7. You instinctively seek revenge

When someone does something wrong to you, your first reaction is to go back with anger and strong revenge. Not only that, along with this emotion, you will begin to implement various follow-up actions, which will cause all kinds of trouble and psychological pain to others. The more painful they are, the happier you will be.

8. You want everything under your control

As an antisocial personality, all you care about is power and control. In order to ensure control in a relationship, you will easily distort reality, manipulate or even fake facts, and use the emotions of others to deal with themselves. Once you feel that you have lost control of things or others, you will regain control through tantrums, anger, or emotional manipulation.

9. You have no ethical guidelines and constraints

Generally speaking, you lack any moral discrimination and restraint. In your thinking, morality is never something to consider. In order to get what you want, you will do anything, regardless of whether these things cause harm. This may be the reason. Anti-social types can easily conflict with social laws and be detained.

10. Your friends around you can change the lights

People with antisocial personality do not consider a friendship from the perspective of both parties. They never think that friendship is a matter of two people. In the beginning, you will be very attractive and friendly to new friends, but these behaviours of yours are superficial. In the end, some of your destructive behaviours, lies, and your preference for manipulating each other will make your "friends" leave. Therefore, people with antisocial personality do not usually have long-lasting friendships. 

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