16 strange facts about food that you don't know

We need to eat food every day. This is not only to meet physical needs, but also a way to communicate, eliminate stress and achieve happiness. In some countries, food seems to have a cult status for people: for example, Italians consider pasta to be a national treasure, and French are proud of their onion soup and hot pot (not without reason). And some foods also have their own secrets: for example, mushrooms are usually distant relatives of insects.

Next, what I will introduce to you is: 16 strange facts about food that you don't know. I believe that reading our article may change a lot of your views on food.

1. Apple: a close relative of rose

This may surprise many people, but in fact, many fruits are close relatives of roses, which belong to the Rosaceae. Apples, pears, plums, raspberries (even almonds) all resemble roses.

2. There is a drink that can replace a meal

According to the manufacturer's plan, Soylent's beverage can replace food intake. Just one bottle can meet 20% of the daily demand for protein, vitamins and trace elements. The inventor of Soylent said with certainty that this kind of drink will belong to the future, because this kind of drink can replace the usual food in the case of a growing population, food shortage and lack of time. The cost of a Soylent is $3.25.

3. The love for coffee is genetic

Scientists from Harvard University have identified as many as 6 types of genes, which are responsible for the assimilation of caffeine, and discovered the reasons why coffee acts on humans in different ways. It can be said that genes are the culprit, so some people do not even take a sip of coffee, and some people need 2-3 cups of strong coffee to achieve this effect.

4. Boiled potatoes are more useful for cold food

Potatoes are considered by many to be not a very healthy food, all because of high glycemic index (GI)-carbohydrates are absorbed in the body and increase the level of sugar in the blood. It turns out that you can simply reduce the blood sugar effect of potatoes. But you must eat cold boiled potatoes. In dishes cooked in this way, starches are digested more slowly, respectively, and their GI will be lower than, for example, hot mashed potatoes.

5. Corn kernels contain even rows

Corn always contains even-numbered rows (from 8 to 12) and grains (there may be a thousand). Almost a quarter of products and products sold in stores in some form contain corn, from animal feed to fireworks.

6. Mushrooms contain chitin (like insects)

All fungi in the intercellular spaces contain a special biopolymer "chitin" (chitin). It can bring hardness to insect wings. This is the reason why mushrooms are not easily digested. Whether you prepare them for 3 minutes or 3 hours, their taste and form will remain the same.

In the state of Oregon in the United States, scientists discovered the largest organism on earth, and it is a mushroom. The area of ​​the mycelium honey mushroom is comparable to 1665 football fields.

7. Pistachios can burn spontaneously

In fact, pistachios can ignite spontaneously when transported in large quantities. And all because of the high fat content and extremely low water content. In addition, these nuts absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide, so this is another risk factor. Therefore, when transporting in the cabin or on a truck, special safety measures are required.

8. Artificial vanilla and beaver

Beaver can produce vanilla smell. More precisely, the beaver discharges the smell of vanilla from the gland, which can be used as a spice or even as a food additive to enhance the taste of certain foods (drinks and desserts).

In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration has listed castornia extract as a generally recognized safe (GRAS) food additive. In 1965, the GRAS program of the Association of Flavor and Extract Manufacturers (FEMA 2261 and 2262) added beaver brain extract and beaver grass liquid. The list of product ingredients is often referred to simply as "natural seasonings." Although it is mainly used in foods and beverages as part of an alternative vanilla flavor, it is not often used as part of raspberry or strawberry flavoring. Annual industrial consumption is very low, about 300 pounds, while vanillin exceeds 2.6 million pounds per year

9. Cotton candy was invented by dentists

William Morrison is an inventor and dentist. Surprisingly, he came up with fairy dessert in 1897, and now it is called marshmallow. Soon after, another dentist applied for a patent for a machine that produced this sweetness in the form we are all used to.

10. Use beet leaves with caution

Beet leaves are a very useful vegetable: it contains carbohydrates, vitamins (C, PP, B), potassium and magnesium. However, only the stems are suitable for consumption because the leaves are too saturated with oxalic acid. Using acid can cause stomach and kidney problems. This is a danger for children and people with gastritis and urolithiasis.

11. If you are allergic to latex, you should not eat papaya

Allergy is a very common disease, and patients usually have an increased reaction to several similar products. Scientists have discovered a strange pattern: For people suffering from latex intolerance, they are also allergic to papaya.

12. Wasps mate in figs

The inflorescence of the fig is actually turned inside the flower, so pollination requires a kind of wasp to process. The tiny wasp gnaws a hole in the fig flower, and the female induces and mates with its internal mate, pollinates the plant, then lays eggs and flies further. By the way, males do not get out and always die inside.

13. Manufacturers irradiate vegetables and fruits

Irradiation of food is the treatment of external ionizing radiation to destroy pathogenic microorganisms, insect larvae and prevent tubers from sprouting (for example, potatoes). For radiation, about the use of gamma emitting radionuclides, X-rays and accelerated electrons. This treatment is considered safe and it is allowed in 41 countries. They are used not only for vegetables, but also for meat, fish, wheat and spices.

Although this method is considered relatively safe, manufacturers need to mark irradiated products with special badges.

14. Salad dressing and sunscreen have some things in common

Titanium dioxide added to sunscreen products is often used in food. They have the same function, that is, they can prevent the destructive effects of light and act as a preservative.

15. Diamonds can be produced from tequila

What you get from tequila are high-quality (albeit small) diamonds that can be used to produce elec at night.

16.Canned tuna contains mercury

The mercury in seafood is the result of human air pollution. Researchers pointed out that in the bank of canned tuna, the mercury content is very high. A good and safe alternative to canned tuna is canned salmon.

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