Top 10 most mythical creatures in the world


The unicorn is usually shown as a horse with a single horn on its head, but it originally had a Billy goatee, lion tail and hooves. The unicorn is actually the only creature in the legend that has no fear from humans, and is actually a rather gentle creature. In addition to using unfair methods, it is considered impossible to capture unicorns. It is said that the horn can neutralize poison. The unicorn was first recognized during the Indus Valley Civilization (3300-1700 BC).


Griffin is usually described as a lion, with the head and wings of an eagle. It is considered a particularly powerful creature because the lion is the king of beasts and the eagle is the king of birds. The body of a griffin is bigger than eight lions and taller than a hundred eagles. It has very long ears, a leopard beak, and claws on its feet, as big as horns. . In ancient times, it was considered a divine protector. This creature was seen in civilization as early as the Minoan civilization (2700 BC to 1450 BC).


In Greek mythology, the bull head cow has the upper body of a bull and the lower body of a man. Half-man and half-bull monster on Crete, a cow sent by Parsiphaeu and Poseidon, wife of Crete King Minos (son of Zeus and Europa, and one of the three judges of the underworld) The product of, possessing a human body and a cow's head, Minos built a maze for it in Crete.


From at least 5000 BC, it is said that the mermaid is bounded by the waist, the upper body is a beautiful woman, and the lower body is a beautiful fish tail covered with scales. The whole body is both attractive and easy to escape quickly. They have no soul and are as ruthless as sea water; their voices are usually as deceptive as their appearance; they have various characteristics such as temptation, vanity, beauty, cruel and desperate love. In British folklore, they are considered to be a warning of doom or disaster.

Western Dragon

Dragon originated as a symbol of power and sacredness in the culture of certain ethnic groups in ancient Western Europe. It was a creature in Western mythology and legend, but in Christian culture it was described as a synonym for evil and demons. At the end of each leg are huge claws, similar to those of carnivorous birds. Dragons have several rows of fangs and often dorsal spines. In late to modern times, this creature usually breathes fire or poison, or has poisonous blood. Possess powerful power and magical abilities.


It is a generalized dragon that can send water in ancient Chinese legends and sometimes called flood dragons, but it is not a dragon (just like a lion in a cat family is not a cat). Because flood dragons are often witnessed by people and are widely known, they live in lakes and other water gathering places. , Will quietly live in seclusion at the bottom of ponds or rivers far from homes. The water dragons hiding in ponds and rivers are generally referred to as "diving water dragons". Legend has it that after a thousand years of cultivation, the "jiao" will "walk the dragon" along the river and enter the sea to transform the dragon. Hanging Cambridge is to prevent the walking dragon from damaging the bridge.

Chinese dragon

In China, the dragon is a god, supreme, and a symbol of the emperor. It is also a representative of the East. The dragon is auspicious worshipped by the Han people and a symbol of auspiciousness and majesty. Due to the sense of worship, it evolved into a folk activity to pray for a good harvest and peace. The dragon's body resembles a long snake, a unicorn head, a carp tail, a long beard on the face, and its horns resemble a deer, with five claws, and a mighty appearance.


The Egyptians believed that Anubis helped the dead save the body so that the dead could be resurrected. Anubis has the head of a mountain dog, jackal or wolf, and the jackal is his symbol. This jackal image is closely related to his role in mythology. Because jackal is a scavenger, a scavenger of dead bodies, it is closely related to death. Is the guardian of the dead. According to legend, the method of making mummies was invented by Anubis, and Anubis also assisted Osiris to resurrect and make Osiris the Pluto, but the first generation of Pluto was Anubis.

Monkey King

It goes without saying that Monkey King is well-known in China. His ancestral home is Dongsheng Shenzhou. Monkey King is intelligent, lively, loyal, and hateful. He represents wit and bravery in folk culture. Because he led the group of monkeys into the water curtain cave, he became the king of monkeys and was honored as the "king of monkeys." After passing through thousands of mountains and rivers, he worshipped Subudi Patriarch to learn art as his teacher, named Sun Wukong, and learned the superb spells of seventy-two transformations, somersaults, and immortality. After all, he is still a macaque.

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