top 20 most dangerous bridges in the world

19 of the most dangerous bridges in the world, I feel so scared before I finish it...

There are all kinds of bridges in the world. These bridges can help people reach places they couldn't reach before and make life more convenient. However, due to the natural environment, people build bridges that are very steep and some even seem very dangerous. These dangerous bridges have also become one of the favorite places for many adventurers and people who love extreme challenges.

If you also love challenges, you must not miss these most dangerous and terrifying bridges in the world!

▼1. On the southeastern coast of Crimea, if you want to experience the thrilling and beautiful landscape, then this wooden bridge above the Grand Canyon will be your best choice.

▼2. Huashan Mountain in China is one of the most dangerous bridges in the world. Without the will of steel and the courage to put it to death, then you should not come here! The iron rope above the head is the only thing that can be grasped. The steep stairs paved with wooden planks are only for one person to pass through. Without guardrails, there is a vast abyss below. Just looking at it makes the scalp numb. More related information:

▼3. In the Karakoram Mountains of Pakistan, the only way to cross the Hunza River is this seemingly fragile Husseini suspension bridge. This bridge is made of woods of various shapes tied up across the river. It is one of the most dangerous bridges in the world.

▼4. This is a long road... The Triford Suspension Bridge is the longest pedestrian suspension bridge in the Alps, with a total length of 170 meters.

▼5. The Titlis suspension bridge in Switzerland is 3,000 meters above sea level, where people can see the majestic mountain panorama, but standing in such a high sky makes people sweaty.

▼6. There is a transparent bridge in Yuntai Mountain in Henan Province, China. What tourists worry most is whether they will break the glass passage under their feet if they accidentally drop something in their hands...

▼7. The Langkawi Skywalk in Malaysia was completed in 2004. This sky bridge built 100 meters above the ground can accommodate 250 tourists while watching the scenery on the bridge.

▼8. There are three vine bridges on Shikoku Island in Japan. The wooden boards on this smallest vine bridge are separated by 18-30 cm. It feels very dangerous to walk on them.

▼9. The bridge built against the cliff in Daedunsan Provincial Park in South Korea is very steep, and visitors can climb it carefully.

▼10. Although the Millau viaduct in France seems to be very safe from the photos, it is actually so high that it reaches into the sky, and its height is higher than the Eiffel Tower!

▼11. The wooden bridge in Bemaraha National Park, Madagascar, USA, stands amongst stone forests. As long as a little wind blows, people standing on the bridge can sway from side to side, and one of them will fall if you are not careful...

▼12. There is a little-known Red Rock Mountain Range in the wilderness area outside Sedona, Arizona, USA. This naturally formed arched red Devil’s Bridge is prohibitive.

▼13. If you want to experience the San Gervasio Canyon in Italy, you must pass this narrow bridge, one of the longest suspension bridges in the world.

▼14. Royal Gorge Suspension Bridge in the United States. This suspension bridge in Colorado is the highest suspension bridge in the United States. It is 321 meters above the ground. Do not look down when walking on it...

▼15. This bridge spanning East Taman Lake in Myanmar is about 1.6 kilometers long. The bridge is made of teak wood, and the bottom is supported by 1086 pillars, but it still looks unsafe...

▼16. If you want to try a fun way to cross the bridge, you might as well try it in Vietnam. The bridge here is only built with a log, but it needs a good balance to successfully walk over!

▼17. This Carrickread Rope Bridge in Northern Ireland originally had only one handrail, but it has finally been perfected. Looking at such photos, it’s really hard to imagine what it would be like with only one handrail...

▼18. Qeswachaka Bridge in Peru is one of the oldest rope bridges in the world, and it is woven by hand! Every year, local villagers work together to repair this seemingly dangerous bridge.

▼19. This high-altitude bridge on Mont Blanc in Chamonix, France is frightening. It is 2.8 kilometers above the ground. If you accidentally fall, there is no bones left!

The leg is shaking before the person goes...

When you walk on these bridges, you are simply betting with your life! These crumbling bridges really need a brave heart to have the courage to step on. Do you still have the guts to go up?

Hurry up and share this article with your friends, and if you are brave enough, let's meet and take an adventure together!

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