10 scientific facts about the human mind that the school will not tell you.

10 interesting facts about the human mind

Humans are actually very difficult to understand creatures, so to speak, the secret of the human mind is no less than the depth of the ocean. Scientists are constantly exploring the brain and discovering new behavioral patterns, and many surprises have been discovered. 
For example, you may not believe that the smarter a person is, the fewer his friends are. There are still many interesting scientific facts like this, but we can't learn much from the school.

Today, Deepak will share with you 10 scientific facts about the human mind that the school will not tell you.

1. People with high IQ have fewer friends

Long ago, when our ancient ancestors were engaged in hunting and gathering, friendship was very important and necessary for the survival of the tribe, because in the face of attacks by wild animals such as mammoths, group attacks and defenses were much easier.

However, scientists have recently discovered that people with high IQ usually do not need a bunch of friends. The reason is that their talented brains are busy solving really serious tasks, and communication is considered a waste of time. However, in the absence of friends, it may also make people less happy. Researchers have long proved that friendship not only has a positive effect on mental state, but also on health. Therefore, even people with high IQs should sometimes leave the world of books and chat with interesting people.
2. Depression can change a person's skin color

People with depression usually say, "Life loses its color." This is not just a figurative expression, because, in fact, it really relates to a real medical fact. In a depressed state, the human retina becomes less sensitive to contrast, and patients are less sensitive to shadows. The reverse is also true: if you are surrounded by dull and dull colors, the likelihood of developing depression or spleen will increase significantly.

3. If you always talk about your plan, it may not be realized

If you decide to start an important thing, then you better not tell anyone about it. Because, doing so may make your plan impossible. Because, when you announce your plan, your brain thinks it has been completed, and it is difficult for you to persuade him. Although it sounds weird, it seems superstitious. However, scientists have confirmed this model through careful research and investigation
4. Mastering a foreign language helps you make the right decision

To make a wise decision, you don't need to be a calm genius, and you only need to think in a foreign language. Scientists say that when making important life decisions, people often make emotional behaviors. However, if you start to analyze your behavior in a non-native language, the rational part will play a role in your brain, which means that you will deal with the matter thoroughly and will not take risks.

5. Young people are more prone to depression

According to the survey, most people on the planet who are suffering from depression are not even over 30 years old. People aged between 18 and 30 are more likely to feel anxiety and stress today. So stop talking about "youth is the most carefree time in life", life is actually more cruel than imagined.

6. Creativity will increase with fatigue

To come up with ideas, you may need to make yourself feel more tired. Exhausted people often come up with creative ideas precisely because their brains work less efficiently. In this state, the brain no longer eliminates seemingly crazy ideas. That is to say, when your brain is functioning normally, it will definitely reject those crazy ideas.
That's why when we get back home exhausted after a busy day and start showering, creative ideas suddenly appear in our brains.

7. 80% of conversations are gossip

In fact, in our lives, most conversations are gossip gossip, and regardless of gender, men and women can easily talk gossip. The data cited by the scientists shows that 80% of our conversations are gossip and share information about friends or colleagues. However, gossip is not so bad: it is a very serious communication tool. This supports people's social relations.

8. Happiness can be bought

It is said that happiness is a precious thing that cannot be bought with money. However, psychologists have refuted this statement: money can make you feel happy, but only if you are not spending money for yourself, but spending money on relatives and friends or charities. When we bring happiness to others, we grow in our own eyes and become more meaningful, so we feel happy and satisfied with life.
9. It takes 20 seconds to build trust

In order to gain the trust of a person, you need to hold him in your arms for about 20 seconds. Of course, it is established only under the condition of free will. Oxytocin is a hormone: when we feel safe (including close to loved ones), it is a hormone produced in the body, and it can also play a soothing and relaxing role.

10. 80% of our ideas are negative

Our brain is a million times more powerful than the most powerful computer. However, the power we consume may not be so interesting, because 80% of our ideas are negative. And most negative thoughts are repeated day after day. Therefore, sometimes, there are a lot of stupid and bad ideas in your brain, but this is actually very normal. This happens to everyone.

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