What is enough for 1 second? 10 amazing things that happen every second in the world

What is enough for 1 second? 10 amazing things that happen every second in the world

Time is a very magical concept, because almost everything can be measured by time. We often do not have a very clear sense of time. We always grasp time based on our experience. However, we fail many times.

What can happen in 100 years? What can happen in 100 months? How about 100 days? How about 1 second? From a larger perspective, we always underestimate the energy of time. Let us take a look at what can happen in this world in one second, cherish time, and grasp every second of our lives.

1. Every second there will be 6 babies born in the world

The population of the earth is very, very large. Right now, around the world, 6 babies are born every second. It is estimated that 2 people die every second in the world, so every second there is a new population increase on the earth.

2. A bee will flap its wings 270 times per second

The bee will flap its wings more than 270 times per second. This means that the bees never rest and are always moving. This is why we all say "hardworking" little bees.

3. Humans dump more than 1 ton of edible food every second

Many people in this world die because of hunger. But at the same time, humans dump more than 1 ton of edible food every second. Next time when you decide to waste food, think about how precious and cherished the food is to some people in the world.

4. Every second, humans will consume 10450 cans of Coke

Coca-Cola may be the most popular beverage brand in the world. More than 10,450 cans of Coke per second will be consumed by humans, regardless of the time periods that consume intensive beverages, such as summer.

5. Lightning hits the ground 100 times per second

Throughout the world, there are about 100 lightning strikes per second on several types of earth. In other words, our earth is struck by lightning all the time. It's really unbelievable!

6. More than 100,000 chemical reactions occur in the human body every second

Even if you sit there motionless, your body is constantly working. Every second, more than 100,000 chemical reactions occur in our body. When these reactions occur, your body will continue to undergo various changes to adapt to your current environment. Imagine that when you read these words, your body is changing at an incredible speed...

7. Bill Gates can earn more than $250 per second

In every second you have nothing to do, someone in this world earns more than $250 in that time. This is why it is said that Bill Gates fell on the ground for $100 and he was unwilling to bend over to pick it up, because it takes several seconds to bend over.

8. Every second, 3 Barbie dolls will find their new owners

Barbie is probably the most popular doll in the world. Every second, there are 3 children in this world who have their own Barbie dolls. Considering that the number of children in this world is increasing, this number and record will increase again.

9. The universe will expand by about 15 kilometers every second

According to the Big Bang theory, our universe has been expanding continuously since its birth. And the speed of this expansion reached an astonishing 15 kilometers. As you read this text, the universe has expanded by more than 100 kilometers.

10. Snails can climb 1 cm per second

You may think that the snail crawls very slowly, but if you consider the appropriate conditions, such as the rain just after the rain, the ground is very wet, then the snail can reach a good speed-1 cm/sec.

Imagine that even a snail can climb 1 cm in 1 second. What did you do in 1 second? !

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